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West Point

50-Year Affiliation Program

The purpose of the 50-Year Affiliation Program, which began with the Class of 1949 and 1999, is to strengthen the ties between the graduates of yesterday and the cadets of today as both groups work together to strengthen the Long Gray Line as it serves our nation.

Beginning on R-Day, the entering cadet class is paired with an alumni class that is fifty years its senior. Over the next four years, the graduates will accompany their affiliated cadets at significant Academy events (e.g. Cow Affirmation Ceremony, Ring Weekend, Branch Night).

As cadets “Grip Hands” with those who preceded them a half-century earlier, the 50-year Affiliation Program has matured to become an indispensable element in not only the development of cadets but also in the strengthening of the Long Gray Line.

Please direct any questions about this program to the Office of Class Support, 845.446.1614 50YearAffiliation@wpaog.org

1966 Grip Hands with 2016 Look Back