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Cullum Files

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Class Notes

login required, available to graduates & widows

Class Leader Services

Assistance with any of the following services can be initiated by simply sending an email or making a telephone call.

Class Leaders Toolkit. In the Admin section of this helpful resource, you will find access to rosters of classmates, ex-cadets, surviving spouses, as well as that of Deceased Classmates and West Point Offspring. These lists can be used for reunion planning, maintaining accuracy of the database, solicitations for class gifts, etc. This information may not be used for political or commercial solicitation, or for any purpose other than official Class, West Point Society, USMA, or WPAOG use. Classes are encouraged to monitor their “Lost Classmates” list and submit updates to address@wpaog.org.

For printing requests please contact:
Vic Losure

Zoom calls. A new service provided by Class Services. This is a computer conference call for up to 100 participants and up to 2 hosts. Conduct your Class Business or Reunion Meetings without having to travel! These calls can be done from your desktop, laptop computer, or iPhone. There is no cost to your class for this service.

Sallyport Class Pages.  Another new service provided by WPAOG and Class Services. We have prebuilt each class page. We will train up to three people from each class to be administrators of your class page and then set them up for success to maintain your class page.

Assistance in Finding Classmates. WPAOG’s Privacy Policy prevents us from providing contact information to anyone other than Class Leaders. However, we can reach out to the classmate or graduate and provide your contact information. We encourage our graduates to leverage Grad Link for assistance in contacting other graduates.  

Class-Services@wpaog.org / 845-446-1614