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The Firstie Gift

The Firstie Gift Program is critical and essential to building a class legacy at West Point.

The Class of 1994 was the first USMA Class to collectively solicit financial support for the Academy prior to graduation, a tradition that continues today. This voluntary program provides First Class cadets the opportunity to give back to the Academy through investing in the 10-year reunion class project. This effort is led by the cadet class leadership and is actively supported by the WPAOG Class Giving Office. 

Several months prior to graduation, the Class President directly solicits classmates for their financial support of the Class Gift Fund. Following the initial presentation, the class is reminded about, and encouraged to participate in, this fundraising effort at various events. At the 5-year reunion, the class leadership works directly with WPAOG and the Academy to determine how their first-class gift will be allocated to best support the class’s goals, the Corps of Cadets, and the Superintendent’s strategic priorities.

Gifts to the Class of 2022 Gift Fund, regardless of the amount, will secure your place as a valued donor of West Point, and ensure the continued advancement of this great institution through the Margin of Excellence.

Class reunion gifts have greatly transformed the landscape of West Point over the years: https://westpointaog.university-tour.com/

Support the Class of 2022 Gift Fund

If you have questions about the First Gift Program, please contact the Class Giving Office at 845.446.1656 or classgiving@wpaog.org