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West Point Groups

West Point Women

West Point Womenis a global network providing mentorship, education, and support to women graduates and cadets of the United States Military Academy. Members network and work collaboratively to pursue a diverse array of professional, personal, and philanthropic opportunities. View group.

West Point Alumni Glee Club

The West Point Alumni Glee Clubis a DC-based organization composed of West Point graduates who enjoy singing and believe in the importance of traditional music in our service to the nation. Initially organized in 2007, the WPAGC performs regularly in the greater Washington area in public concerts as well as special performances for veterans groups, military retirement communities and civic organizations. The group has performed joint concerts with the U. S. Army Concert Band, the Virginia Grand Military Band and the Cadet Glee Club. View group.

Do More Together Black/African-American Graduates

The mission of Do More Together is to form a global network of United States Military Academy graduates and supporters from all backgrounds that engages, mobilizes, and empowers Black/African-American graduates and cadets. We endeavor to serve the community, our country, and all USMA graduates. View group.

West Point Entrepreneurs

USMA B2EI shall be an organization dedicated to connecting and educating members of the Long Gray Line operating as entrepreneurs, executives, and investors across the business community. This group endeavors to serve its community, its country, and the graduates of the Military Academy by inspiring mission-driven business leaders who continue their service after taking off the uniform and strengthening the bonds of the graduate community through shared business interests, irrespective of class or geography. View group.