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Career Resources

Whether you’re transitioning from military service into a civilian job for the first time or pivoting into a new direction, a successful job search first begins with thorough career exploration.  Even if you are remaining in the same field, the process of career exploration connects who you are as a person with meaningful career options that align now with your values, interests, personality, skills, strengths, and motivations. 

1. Enroll in Career Services Program

Enrollment in our career services program guarantees access to a dedicated transition coach and unlimited one-on-one assistance to support you in every step of your job search. read more...

2. Register in Handshake Job Portal

Registration in Handshake requires enrollment in the WPAOG Career Services program. Handshake offers you self-service access to; personalized job recommendations, targeted resume writing with improved employer partner matches, connections with grad-seeking employers/organizations, appointment management with our team, invitations to career-related events hosted by WPAOG, employer partners, and West Point Societies, access to career development resources.

Korn Ferry (additional exclusive resource)

After you enroll in the Career Services Program a member of the career services team will discuss and advise the benefits of this additional resource. Korn Ferry Advance will assist in a deeper discovery session regarding your skills and interests. Your previous military and civilian experiences will provide much for you to draw upon as you reflect on your achievements, goals, interests, skills, and strengths. A self-assessment, however, can further enhance your career exploration journey by allowing you to uncover other traits and skills not previously employed that may be relevant to your new job search. You will have access to the KF4D Assessment in Korn Ferry Advance, which provides insights into your personality traits (Premium service)

External Aids

The ETS Sponsorship Program, established in partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Department of Defense (DoD), exists to sponsor service members through the transition process from military to civilian life. Sponsors are trained and certified to build relationships and resiliency.
Sign up to become a sponsor here, and select the ‘become a sponsor’ option.

- Corporate Gray: https://www.corporategray.com/
- Hire our Heroes: https://hireourheroes.org/

Need more info?

Please contact WPAOG Career Services at 845.446.1618 or email careers@wpaog.org.

See Also

Employer Partners