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Cullum Files

historical records

Class Notes

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Recipients of the Alexander R. Nininger Award

2022 Lieutenant Colonel Robert Beale '02
        • acceptance speech

2021 Lieutenant Colonel (P) James Enos '00
         • acceptance speech

2020 Major John A. Meyer '05
          • acceptance speech

2019 Captain Lindsay G. (Gordon) Heisler '12

2018 Lieutenant Colonel Matthew R. Myer '01
          • acceptance speech 

2017 Captain Nicholas “Nick” Dockery '11
          • acceptance speech 

2016  Major Matthew A. Chaney '01 
          • acceptance speech 

2015  Major Christopher P. Dean '02
          • acceptance speech

2014  Captain Kevin W. Mott '07
          • acceptance speech

2013  Captain Anthony Fuscellaro '05 
           • acceptance speech

2012   Captain Stephen R. Tangen '08 
           • acceptance speech

2011   Captain Ross C. Pixler '05
           • acceptance speech

2010   Captain Robert I. Sickler '05
            • acceptance speech 

2009   1LT Nicholas Michael Eslinger '07   
            • acceptance speech 

2008   Captain Walter Bryan Jackson '05  
            • acceptance speech

2007   Captain Randall L. Ashby '01 
            • acceptance speech • biography • Assembly article  

2006   Major Ryan L. Worthan '97 
            acceptance speech   Assembly article