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Superintendent’s Annual Fund

The Superintendent's Annual Fund provides funding that strengthens the Margin of Excellence at West Point. The Margin of Excellence are the programs that go beyond the federally funded core elements of a cadet’s education and training. 

The Superintendent's Annual Fund supports co-curricular clubs, capstone projects, academic trips, semester abroad, AIADS, and academic conferences. Such opportunities are truly what define the Margin of Excellence and are what make West Point the world's renowned leadership development institution.

A Letter from BG(R) Peter M. Dawkins '59

Mary & Pete Dawkins '59

As another year begins, I reflect on the powerful ability of the Long Gray Line to come together in support of one another and to serve our nation. I also watch with admiration and pride as a new class of cadets graduate and I find these new graduates to be nothing short of extraordinary.





Make a minimum donation of $1,000 to the Superintendent's Annual Fund and receive recognition.
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