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Career Developing Events

WPAOG Career Services hosts and supports a variety of career and professional development events for our grads.  These programs are designed to provide our grads with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to further their career and professional development and reach their goals.

Job Fairs

Each year WPAOG Career Services hosts four Service Academy Career Conferences (SACC) in cooperation with the alumni organizations of the other four federal service academies.

SACC - Network, interview and secure your career at what is perhaps the most highly anticipated SACC event of the year! Register now to be part of this exceptional two-day career-building experience, featuring headliner company seminars and nationwide job opportunities with premier grad-friendly companies. Details at https://sacc-jobfair.com/.


Job Search Accelerator Program.

Each month, WPAOG Career Services offers hour-long webinars on topics relevant to Grads at all stages of their job search or career transition. Webinars typically take place Tuesday-Thursday from 12-1 pm or 7-8 pm EDT. RSVP to let us and our employer partners know you’re attending.

Resource Center - This collaborative, cohort-based professional development series will meet Tuesdays & Thursdays. Topics include: identifying your job search target, optimizing your resume and cover letter, perfecting your elevator pitch, networking tips and strategies, and interview preparation. This is a great opportunity to meet and engage with fellow grads and share the challenges – and rewards – of finding your next professional opportunity.

Networking Events

We support a variety of casual and formal networking events for our grads to meet industry practitioners and reconnect with other grads. These are held locally throughout the year by our West Point Societies, including Founder’s Day, Business Networking Events, Careers, and Coffee series, and monthly luncheons.

Connect with a WPAOG Career Navigator Network near you or log into LinkedIn for the most current list of career/networking events shared by our Societies.

Need more info?

Please contact WPAOG Career Services at 845.446.1618 or email careers@wpaog.org.