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Cullum Files

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login required, available to graduates & widows

WPAOG Networking Services

Networking is a basic career skill, but building a professional network takes time. Think of it as a system of concentric circles with your most valued mentors, friends, and associates in your inner circle. The composition of your active inner circle will change as your professional situation evolves. Remember, a helpful lead from someone who knows someone you know can be just as valuable as a tip from your closest mentor.

55K Grads on Sallyport

The Sallyport App including Grad Link online will strengthen your relationships with classmates, West Point Society members, and the Long Gray Line. 
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Exclusive Job Posts
on LinkedIn

This group is exclusively for USMA graduates and hand-selected employers who are looking to hire West Point Graduates.
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13K Members on Facebook Group

This is a private professional page designed for West Point USMA graduates to connect, learn and network for their careers post-military service.
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By enrolling in our career services program, members of the Long Gray Line will benefit from a dedicated, professional transition coach and unlimited one-on-one assistance.  Please contact WPAOG Career Services at 845.446.1618 or email careers@wpaog.org. for more information.