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A WPAOG Director Or Advisor Must:

1.  Act in the role of a fiduciary and adhere, from a legal perspective (this applies to Directors but not Advisors), to the three standards: Duty of Care, Duty of Loyalty and the Duty of Obedience.

2.  Serve as an outstanding role model by exhibiting selfless leadership and undisputed integrity that personifies the ideals of “Duty, Honor, Country.”

3.  Demonstrate commitment to the mission of WPAOG (To serve West Point and the Long Gray Line) and support the vision of WPOAG for the Long Gray line to be the most highly connected alumni body in the world.

4.  Be accountable for timely attendance at all Board, Committee and Task Force meetings.

5.  Commit the time, energy and personal resources to attend all meetings well prepared to actively engage in thoughtful and meaningful discussion.

6.  Exhibit stewardship by participating in annual fundraising campaigns in a manner that is personally significant and assist in donor cultivation and solicitation, as needed.

7.  Share knowledge by mentoring less-experienced board members, and graduates and be willing to be mentored by board members with more experience.

8.  Be nominated and provide critical background information in accordance with our Director and Advisor Nomination Policy.