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Advertising Process & Policy

WPAOG Advertising Internal Review Process:

Advertising art (submitted for printing in West Point magazine, in other print publications, or for placement in First Call or on the web) will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee at weekly meetings.  Questionable ads (ad content and/or information on URLs/websites provided in the ad) will be given further review. 

The Editorial Committee, representing WPAOG membership and administration, will reject advertising that does not meet the criteria of the advertising policy, or that they believe does not serve the best interests of West Point Association of Graduates and/or the United States Military Academy at West Point. 

WPAOG Advertising Policy:

The purpose of West Point Association of Graduates (WPAOG) (“publisher”) is to further the ideals and to promote the welfare of the United States Military Academy at West Point, and to support and serve its graduates. WPAOG’s publications, website and other messaging will endeavor to support this purpose.

The publisher reserves the right to reject and/or cancel any advertisement for any reason. WPAOG, as publisher of West Point magazine, strives to project the United States Military Academy in a positive light, and in so doing, does not want to be perceived as taking a stand on political or religious issues. Therefore, ads for political groups or individuals running for political office are not permitted, nor are ads that promote or present extreme political or religious ideology.

The advertiser and their advertising agency assume full liability for content of advertisements printed, for obtaining copyright permission for the use of any registered  logos, wordmarks, or tag lines that are included,  and assume full responsibility for any claims made against the publisher.