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Cullum Files

historical records

Class Notes

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West Point Academic Program

Academic Program

In this Fall Issue

Training future officers for service in today's Army. 

West Point Cullum Hall

Cullum Hall

Honoring the LGL Legacy

Prior to 2014, there had never been a central place to honor those who sacrificed their lives in combat. 

West Point Honor Guard

Gone but Not Forgotten

In this issue

The Summer edition of West Point magazine is available online. 

West Point Cadet Photonics


Interdisciplinary Approach

The center provides cadets and faculty with a place to conduct cutting-edge research and learning. 

West Point Ring Melt

Ring Melt

Class of 2023

Watch this year's Class of 2023 Ring Melt on the WPAOG YouTube channel.



All Events

Found in one place.

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West Point Cadet Parade


Fall & Spring

Return to West Point

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West Point Awards

Event Planning

WPAOG Packages

Let us do the work.

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West Point News

West Point AOG

2022 Annual Meeting Nov. 15 at 5pm ET

For regular members of WPAOG at 698 Mills Road, West Point, New York 10996. We will elect five Directors and six Advisors at Large.

1LT Valencia '16

Your Gifts Enhance the Cadet Experience

The programs, scholarships, and endowments are all Margin of Excellence opportunities aimed to better prepare the Corps of Cadets to be leaders of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country.
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Gripping Hands

Grad Link

Remain in contact with your classmates, network with grads near you, and connect with your local West Point Society. Take the West Point Grad network with you wherever you go by downloading our WPAOG Sallyport mobile app. Read More

CDT Valencia '16

Your Gifts Enhance the Cadet Experience

The programs, scholarships, and endowments are all Margin of Excellence opportunities aimed to better prepare the Corps of Cadets to be leaders of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country.
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West Point Diversity and Inclusion

Support Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

The Academy and the Army are committed to creating and sustaining a resourced institutional infrastructure that effectively and efficiently supports progress in achieving strategic diversity and inclusion outcomes.
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CDT Toth '16 caring for children in Mongolia

Bringing Curriculum to Life

“We can’t just teach cadets theories and concepts. We need to bring the curriculum to life and have cadets actually use those concepts out in the real world.”
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