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WPAOG Calendar Policy

The purpose of West Point Association of Graduates (WPAOG) is to further the ideals and to promote the welfare of the United States Military Academy at West Point (USMA), and to support and serve its graduates.  The information about events WPAOG seeks to share with its graduates, and others, will support this purpose.

In order to further the ideals of the Military Academy by generating a more widespread positive public image of West Point and to bind graduates more closely to West Point, as well as each other, WPAOG will maintain an electronic calendar of upcoming events.  On this calendar, available to all who wish to receive it, WPAOG will list all intercollegiate and interscholastic events in which cadets will represent USMA.  Additionally, events sponsored by recognized West Point supporting groups existing in the governance structure of WPAOG (classes and societies), will also be listed. 

Specifically excluded from being listed on the WPAOG calendar are: events that are not directly supportive of West Point or its graduates, political events, or those of a political nature (even if a graduate is directly involved), and events that promote a service or product that is in conflict with WPAOG’s stated purpose.

The approval authority for listing events open to the public on the WPAOG calendar is the VP of Marketing and Communications, and for all other events, the VP for Alumni Support.  A review of all listings on the calendar will be conducted at the weekly communications meeting within WPAOG.