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The Board of Directors will consist of the Chair, Vice Chair, President and 12 to 16 Directors. They will serve for not more than nine consecutive years. The function of the Board of Directors is to manage the affairs of the Association.  Directors must represent all members of the Association without being partial to any particular constituency.  Meetings will be held a minimum of four times a year.

The Advisory Council will consist of the Chair, Vice Chair, President and 18 Advisors-at-Large, 18 Class Advisors, and 18 Society Advisors. The function of the Advisory Council is to provide advice on the affairs of the WPAOG to the Board of Directors.  Further details are available in the Advisors Handbook. While the Advisors-at-Large will be elected by the AOG’s membership at its annual meetings, the Class and Society Advisors will be selected by classes and societies by processes of their own choosing.  Meetings will be held a minum of two times a year.

Class Advisors - Prior to annual meeting each class of USMA that shall be celebrating during the next calendar year the 8th, 18th, 28th, 38th, 48th or 58th anniversary of its graduation will elect or select a Class Advisor and notify the Association of its choice.

Society Advisors - One third of the advisors shall be chosen by the Societies each year.  The nominating committee shall advise all West Point Societies of which Societies or groups shall choose Society Advisors that year.