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West Point Preparatory Scholarship Program

Of West Point Association of Graduates

Overview of the Program

The West Point Preparatory Scholarship Program (WPPSP) is designed to provide partial scholarships for a year of post-secondary school education at preparatory schools and military junior colleges for carefully selected and highly motivated young people seeking admission to the United States Military Academy (USMA).

WPPSP Scholarships are awarded in two candidate categories: athletics and scholars/leaders.

The West Point Preparatory Scholarship Program supplements the United States Military Academy Preparatory School (USMAPS), and provides a broader-based preparation than USMAPS. While USMAPS teaches only math, English, and the SAT, the WPPSP requires candidates to take a full course load. The WPPSP offers an alternative path to West Point for candidates who do not need the specialized preparation provided by USMAPS but can benefit from an additional year of academics.

The major advantage of the private preparatory school is the small class size, intense and concentrated instruction, and required study five evenings every week. The level of academics is significantly higher than at a public high school and is an excellent transition before coming to West Point.

A very high percentage of the candidates who are awarded scholarships each year are offered admission to the USMA. While the academic grades of WPPSP cadets are not statistically different from the average of their USMA class, their persistence and graduation rate is higher than cadets entering from all other sources.

Learn more about how the WPPSP Program is administered, funded, and requirements for candidates.

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